Hebrews 11 gives us an account of those in scripture who walked by faith and not by sight. In fact, it is a chapter full of their testimonies. Consider Abraham when he was tried, He offered up Isaac his only son, who in Isaac, Abraham's seed shall be called. Consider also, Moses when God called him to lead those, God's children, out of Egypt. He too walked by faith and not by sight. They understood only what lay at their feet, nothing more until God revealed it to them. This chapter goes on telling us about these heroins of the faith. Often encouragement fills my soul whenever my eyes longingly scan and study the words that mingle into stories within this chapter.
As a believer I too am called to walk by faith and not by sight. Yet it seems so hard. It is hard! Sight is the most important sense within the "five senses." Yet the other four senses are just as important. Consider touch, without the touch of one's hand leading you, you really have no way of knowing which direction to turn. No true way of "feeling" the hurdles that lie before. Without smell, you would miss out on God's richest savory scents within the breeze. Think of the smell of rain, the lilacs that are in bloom. Also, without taste, you would not be able to completely "taste and see that the Lord is good" or even taste your grandmother's or your mother's famous desert. Without hearing, we are unable to hear the lullabies your mother sang to you as you fell asleep, unable to hear the pound of rain as it taps the ground, unable to hear your earthly father's voice as he commands you to obey, unable to hear the treasures of music, and the list continues. Therefore each have a huge purpose in life. None are to be taken for granted. Yet still, there is that huge uniqueness about them and how they connect with faith.
It is true that as believers we are to walk by faith and not by sight however, we have a loving Lord that desires to lead us in the path we will go, and when we allow the Lord to lead us, in a sense, He fills the different "five spiritual senses."
Sight is given to us through God's eyes. The more drawn we are to Christ to more we see through the eyes of our Lord. We see different hurdles or sin that come our way. We see and begin to understand the compassion our Lord has on those in need and therefore, we desire compassion on others the same. As we begin to look through the "eyes" of Christ, we also are then enlightened in scripture as the Lord shines His brightness as He reveals His treasures. Most of all though, as we draw closer to God, we begin to see His beautiful face, the smile that wrinkles His cheeks and the brightness that fills His eyes as He gazes upon us in love.
Hearing comes as we listen to that still small voice spoken quietly day to day. The closer we become to the Lord, the easier it will be to hear the voice of our "Shepherd." We will be able to hear His warnings throughout the journey of faith, hear His encouragement when we are weary and fainthearted, and hear His challenges as He desires us to mirror His image.
Touch is given by the Lord as He holds our hand throughout our walk with Him. He engulfs us in His arms as we shed our tears and carries us through the hard times in life. If we fall, which often we do, He stretches forth His hand, picks us up, and brushes us off. He gives us "pats" on the back when we do a good deed. Most importantly though, He is the best comforter when no one seems to understand.
As we follow the Lord in faith, His sweet savory smell fills the breeze that brushes past Him and surrounds us. The smell of refreshment overwhelms us as we follow close behind.
Taste comes as we let God's flavoured bounties remain on our hearts and ponder His goodness. When we "taste and see that the Lord is good."
Each will be given to you as you walk in faith and obedience wherever Christ has you. Remember as Peter took his eyes off the Lord, he began to sink. So too, in our faith, we must continue to keep our eyes upon the Lord and we will draw closer to Him. We will find our fulfillment in Christ, nothing else. Yes, walking by faith is and will be the hardest thing anyone has done in their life, however, the best place to be is in the shadow of His wings. Keep striving in faith, don't let weariness overcome you, if you do, you will begin to stray farther away from the Lord. Let these heroins of the faith written here in Hebrews 11 be that encouragement to fill that desired need on a daily basis.
May you all be found in the shadow of His wings, the safest place to be. :)
Good job, Elisa! I love the picture; did you take it?
Yeah! Someone actually commented! Whoohooo! :) Thanks Rachel! Unfortunately, I didn't take that picture however, found it online! Isn't it great! I would love to learn more about photography so that I can take pictures like that! :)
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