Monday, July 28, 2008

Fun Pictures with Reid and Treyton

It's been awhile since I have posted any pictures and so I thought that I would post some pictures of the sweet boys I watch 2 days a week. Enjoy!

Isn't he adorable? Treyton sporting Andrew's shades...and loving it to. I don't think that I have truly met another little person that loves having his picture taken like this little man! But then again when you have the excuse of being photogenic, you know, why not?

Here's my sweet Reid man that I love so much! It's so hard to believe that he will be turning 4 in just two months!

And here again, Mr. Photogenic :)

While Reid and I were snapping a picture, Treyton comes running over and decided that he wanted to join in on the fun. ;) I couldn't resist such an opportunity and well, we snapped this one which happens to be one of my favorites!

Treyton sat in my lap, I held out the camera, he said "teeeeeze!" and snap, we caught this one too. ;)

This one I love as well. Trey sat right smack-dab in the middle of the guys. :) I just couldn't resist the moment! : )

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Thursday, July 10, 2008

Another Thought

As we all go through a period of stretching and growth, molding and pain, excitement and discomfort, and fear and trust, this season or period described is something that the Lord is taking me through and continues to take me through. With what I have learned so far and that which is yet to be learned and understood, I know one thing, though it is hard and I sometimes want to give up and go the other way, is that my desire for Christ has not at all left but has gotten stronger and continues to get stronger! It's as though, once you taste something sweet in the midst of bitter, you desire that sweetness more and more. It is the strong push and desire of Christ in the midst of this season of my life, I am so grateful for! :) No matter what happens or what lay ahead, He is still on His Heavenly throne and is faithful!

This morning, in the midst of devotions, I read out of Elisabeth Elliot's book, Secure in the Everlasting Arms and was so blessed by a prayer which concluded her writing titled "The Long Leisure of Eternity." (for those that own this book, it starts on page 45 and concludes on 46) I wanted to share this prayer with you all with the hope and desire that you too will find it a blessing as you press on to the Higher calling and are pruned and tried along the way!

"Thou are good when Thou givest, when Thou takest away, when the sun shines upon me, when night gathers over me, Thou hast loved me before the foundations of the world, and in love didst redeem my soul; Thou didst love me still, in spite of my hard heart, ingratitude, distrust. Thy goodness has been with me during another year leading me through a twisted wilderness, in retreat helping me to advance, when beaten back making sure headway. Thy goodness will be with me in the year ahead; I hoist sail and draw up anchor, with Thee as the blessed pilot of my future as of my past. I bless Thee that Thou hast veiled my eyes to the waters ahead. If Thou hast appointed storms of tribulation, Thou wilt be with me in them; if I have to pass through tempests of persecution and desolation, I shall not drown; if I am to die, I shall see They face the sooner; if a painful end is to be my lot, grant me grace that my faith fail me not; if I am to be cast aside from the service I love, I can make no stipulation; only glorify Thyself in me whether in comfort or trial, as a chosen vessel meet always for Thy use."

Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Thought for the day

I finished To Live Free; William Wilberforce Experiencing the Man, The Mission, and the Legacy by Lon Fendall which comes highly recommended to those interested :) As I finished it, I came across another excerpt out of William's book and thought it to be very prevalent to today. It reads as quoted:

"I call on all of you who are true Christians, then, to work together earnestly to prove the worth of your profession, putting to silence the empty ridicule of ignorant objectors. Boldly stand up for the cause of Christ in an age when so many who bear the name of Christ are ashamed of Him. On your shoulders rests your country's fate; it is up to you to suspend its fall. In the end, however, we can never be certain of the political outcome of our actions - but nevertheless, without a doubt, restoring the influence of faith and raising the moral standard with have sure and radical benefits for us all." -William Wilberforce on Social Duty

Though this was written years ago, again I really think that the above quote could be said of the Christians today as a challenge in numerous ways as many of us are truly ashamed of our faith. Just think about it, if all Christian's weren't ashamed of their faith and used it as their launching pad instead of their backbone where we as a Nation would be today! The Church's influence would be huge! Though ashamedly this is not where we are, but instead are headed through some tough waters, let this be a charge to each of us as we individually take up our crosses daily! Let us not fall from the standard set before but rather find ourselves upholding it through Christ!

Friday, July 4, 2008

My Dad's Birthday...the big 52!

Here are some pictures that were taken on my Dad's birthday, July 1, specifically ones from Put-Put Golf at Mr. Biggs. ;) We had such a full and fun day with lots of little things that allowed us to celebrate him from morning till evening! Bless his poor little heart, to start his day, he had such a lovely song sung to him that everyone sings on one's birthday only his was sung in an interesting way...let's just say he'll never forget it...or rather his ears won't. :)

Here's the Birthday boy! :)

Determination at it's best ;) if I hit the ball at this angle, will it go in the direction needed?

And the ball is off! Just me and my daddy!

I must say that this week has been pretty much a week full of celebrations with the 3rd and 4th on top of my dad's big day. My dad likes to say that all the celebration, especially the fireworks, are in celebration for him, now mind you, this is usually if not always said with a smile on his face. :)

Speaking of celebrations, Happy 4th of July to all of you! :) I hope that your day if full of sweet memories as you celebrate freedom!