Tuesday, August 17, 2010


I have always loved quotes. They are something that are short and usually to the point and more often than not, they speak directly to a specific area in my life.
Right after having sprained my ankle almost 6 weeks ago, a friend graciously lent me his iPod full of great radio theater dramas that I really enjoyed listening to. My favorite was Charlie's Choice which, to my knowledge is a Lamplighter Drama. (but I could be wrong) It is one that I highly recommend!
While listening to it, I came across a couple quotes that really stood out to me and chose to write them down for keeping in my "quote journal." I thought it'd be nice to post them.

"When God blesses, there's no sorrow to it."

"The most important thing in life isn't about what you get, it's about what you become."

"It's not until we change that others can follow."

"The goals you set for tomorrow shape who you are today." 

It's amazing how what is said or heard in life can affect one person for the better or for worse. Something to continuously ponder.

Sunday, August 15, 2010

A great week with a Dear Friend :D

My Dear sweet Whitney came for a visit and I must say, we had a BLAST! Among the great pictures we got, we shared really late night talks, awesome times with friends, great memories made in the mountains, quick shopping adventures, yummy smoothies in the morning (made by our fabulous Vita-Mix), great ice cream splurges, Bunko and Card games with sweet family and friends, and much much more!

 A ways into Whitney's visit, we decided to take some time and head to the mountains. We opted for simple since my ankle is still on the mend and other things that kept us from doing all the great things....so... we opted out of rock climbing, bungee jumping, paragliding, tubing....you know all the great things. We had a lovely picnic in Evergreen and the lake was gorgeous! If we had time I would have rented a boat and hung out there all day. :D
 Though Whitney had been here 6 days by this point, we finally decided to finally get some pictures...so we started by taking some self portraits of us. :D We didn't have the famous photographer friends with us so we got creative and took our own pictures.
 Couldn't resist the mountain view! Just a piece of God's creation.

 To top it off....we enjoyed some yummy icecream at Basin Robins just down the road from the Lake.
 A glimpse of the splurge :D
 Later on that night we went to Casa Bonita with my family...not for the food but only for the entertainment! I had to let Whitney experience Black Bart's Cave which freaked me out to tears when I was a little girl. Now we just laugh at it....and the Monkey!!! My oh my are their memories of that monkey!....he was scary too!! I just loved the divers...they always have been the cherry on top of the experience.

 Cheering ourselves up before braving the food.
 Ok....I guess we can be somewhat satisfied...at least for the moment :D
 Life just can't be life without having fun! :D:D

If you didn't know where this was...you'd think we were in some other country....well that's a romantic thought indeed!

What a blessing it was to have you here Whitney! Your friendship means a great deal to me! I love you and will always love you as though you were a sister....in fact in my heart you are one! Many blessings to you sweet friend! I love you!

Sunday, July 18, 2010


"Courage is not the absence of fear, but rather the judgement that something else is more important than fear." -Ambrose Redmoon

Such a needed and challenging thought. It's too easy anymore to except fear. It almost seems as though it's a "comfort" when instead it should drive us to do something. 

Saturday, May 15, 2010

It's War!

So I was going about my little duties in my room and all of a sudden my two very darling, most loving, so caring, precious, sweet, gentle and kind older brothers walk into my room. As they walked in, I was facing my window and turned around to respond to Josh's question, "What are these for?" just to see this string flying towards me. And before you know it...I'm covered in Silly String and nothing to protect myself but to stand there and take it! Then Josh, merciful Josh, takes pitty upon his dear ol' sister, hands me the can and says, "I'm getting out of here." But of course, I have to share the love...and cover them with whatever is left in the can. And that wasn't much but it sure made me feel better! :D

Monday, April 12, 2010

My Goal is God Himself

"My goal is God Himself - not joy, nor peace
Nor even blessing, but Himself, my God.
'Tis His to lead me there, not mine, but His -
At any cost, dear Lord, by any road!
So faith bounds forward to its goal in God and love can trust
her Lord to lead her there;
Upheld by Him, my soul is following hard,
Till God hath full fulfilled my deepest prayer.
No matter if the way be sometimes dark,
No matter though the cost be oft-times great,
He knoweth how I best shall reach the mark - 
The way that leads to Him must needs be straight.
One thing I know, I cannot say Him nay;
One thing I do, I press towards my Lord:
My God my glory here from day to day,
And in the glory there my Great Reward."
-Source Unknown

Saturday, April 3, 2010

A Key Worthy of Unlocking Your Heart

This past Sunday during church one of the fathers, while teaching used a neat analogy, perfect for children, connecting the simple procedure of a key specifically designed to unlock its associated lock with that of salvation. He made mention that not every key is designed for this pleasure but only one specific to this particular lock. He shared how a key, once made, has exact detailed curves and grooves used to lift the lock's components creating a straight line in order to unlock the bolt. Basically, for example, you stick your key into the lock of your door and twist and if it's the correct key, your door now is unlocked, right? Taking this thought, in connection to Salvation, he portrayed the lock as our hearts and the key as an example of Christ. Only in this he mentioned that Jesus doesn't have specific grooves or curves in order to unlock our individual hearts, nor does He need them. For His key is straight, piercing every part of the lock, making straight His path to give us freedom of salvation through Him. His key is the Cross.

As we left church, I was challenged by further thoughts regarding this subject...only ones that went a completely different direction.

We all may be familiar with the thought or need of "keeping and guarding your heart with all vigilance and above all that you guard, for out of it flow the springs of life" Proverbs 4:23 AMP which is greatly important in all aspects of life no matter our age or situation. We may also be familiar with the analogy of a special someone, hopefully at this time it would be our fathers, who, hold the "key to our hearts" until one day another special someone, significantly handpicked and designed by the Lord, will take this honor upon himself and will receive the blessing and privilege of unlocking it's treasure bearing it unto himself as his prized possession. Just as 1 key is created for 1 lock, so too has God created 1 man to unlock the heart of 1 woman.

As young ladies, we have been given the challenge of protecting our "locks." By this I mean, not allowing it to be trifled with by our thoughts, actions, attitudes, or words, neither by what is read or watched, nor by what is desired or wanted. I must say though by experience that nothing, absolutely nothing can be done in our strength. Believe me, I have tried it and have failed over and over and over again. It is because of this that I am grateful for God's ever constant grace and His mercies that are new every morning. For it is truly as Paul said, "I have been crucified with Christ [in Him I have shared His crucifixion]; it is no longer I who live, but Christ (the Messiah) lives in me; and the life I now live in the body I live by faith in (by adherence to and reliance on and complete trust in) the Son of God, Who loved me and gave Himself up for me." Galatians 2:20 AMP

My dear friends, in order for this key to fit perfectly, and may this be our desire, we need not to allow our hearts to be trifled with by other foreign "tries" nor shall we encourage it. For God has truly designed 1 specific key created to unlock each and every one of our hearts only to be done in His perfect timing. For then it shall be precious and perfect, more wonderful than we have ever dreamed.

Until then, may God give us the strength to fight the good fight, leaning on His everlasting and powerful strength in order that He might, through us, keep our hearts with all diligence through His greatest protection. It is my prayer that our Daddy's have the strength and courage to protect such a treasure that as of now resides in their possession and that we, as their daughters will learn to trust them, as our God given protection and authority.

Again this is something that I have been pondering and am still working through according to what is found in Scripture. However, I still desired to post it at least as a start if I might for "my girls" that I admire so much and love deeply. Something to ponder and possibly take as an encouragement...and honestly, I knew that if I waited much longer to post...with life as it is...well...posting would never happen. :D

Until next time,

Elisabeth :D

Sunday, March 28, 2010


Andrew sent us these pictures taken a short while back when it snowed in Big Sandy, TX! Such a rare occasion...and wonderful at that! Truly amazing. Sure made PT more enjoyable for the whole gang. I thought that it would be fun to post pictures up for you all to see. Enjoy!

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Wednesday, March 24, 2010

And the exercise of the day is...snow shoveling!

Snow is so wonderful...especially when in the midst of shoveling you have fun too! Today it was just me, my Dad, and my Sunny-bunny out shoveling the "ton" of snow we got last night into this morning...and it called for a couple of pictures.

My Sunny bear = buddy for life! And boy does he LOVE the snow...snow balls, snow angels, and if he could sled I know he would!

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Saturday, March 20, 2010

More Maine Pictures

Here are some more pictures from my trip. I hope you enjoy! 
 My favorite Josiah...just a sweetie!
 Levi is such a doll...I just adore his dimples! They are the cherry on top to his personality!
 Hannah and Levi...being goofy!

 Bethany, Levi, Me, and Asa...those boys are such a delight! Bethany truly has wonderful little siblings!

 Mrs. (Grammy) Reed and sweet little Emma

 Our matching shirts! :D
 Twas a lovely girlie night...one of the nights that I was there, we decided to have a girlie night with a yummy spaghetti dinner, delicious gluten and egg free chocolate chip cookies and a wonderful movie. Twas the life! (just a disclaimer...Hannah is holding an olive oil bottle :D)

My dearest Bethany! 

 It was a Wii duel...and a fun one at that! 
 Spending time with Bethany's younger siblings was such a highlight of my trip! Memories at the park were my favorite!

I can not begin to say how much of a blessing this trip to Maine was. The fellowship with a dear friend and the many moments of laughter each and every day were much needed. All the memories will be held dear and treasured for a lifetime. As always, this time went all to quickly however, it was my little gift from the Lord...a dream fulfilled...to meet and love my little Emma Joy who is a pure gem and delight.

<3 Elisabeth

Thursday, March 18, 2010

Boothbay Harbor

While in Maine, Bethany took me site seeing. We went to a beautiful little town on the ocean called Boothbay Harbor. It was wonderful. Completely beautiful. The pictures here really don't grasp it's true beauty. In person it's 10 times better! The weather was perfect, although the wind chill was freezing but for this time of year, you really couldn't ask for a better day, especially spent with two lovely ladies!

Hannah, Bethany's sister got to come along with us...and spent time with us for a few days! I thoroughly LOVED it!
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