Thursday, February 18, 2010

Challenging thoughts...

After starting school in January, the Lord has really begun to stretch my faith and shine light on weaknesses and other struggles in my walk with Him. One of the biggest has been not fearing or being ashamed for Christ in the place I am in and the fellowship that comes my way. While looking for a quote through my "favorites" quote book, I came across a quote from William Wilberforce on this exact issue and was humbled. Peter denied Christ yet Christ still searched him out and after finding him He ministered to him. This is such an example of Christ love and knowing this is such an encouragement.Even though I am ashamed of my fear in the wrong direction, and the words that followed, I am so grateful for the Lord's ever present love, grace, and presence with me. I share this, not to spill my emotions and seek sympathy from others, but because I feel this message is so important to all of us. It is my prayer that whatever "lap" your on in the ultimate race towards Christ, may you continue to look to Jesus, the Author and Finisher of our faith, "Who is the Leader and source of our faith,"setting aside all the weighty sin that "readily (cleverly) clings to and entangles us" while remembering that for the "joy that was set before Him, endured the cross, despised and ignored the shame," Who also "endured from sinners such grievous opposition and bitter hostility against Himself [reckon up and consider it all in comparison with your trials], so that you may not grow weary or exhausted, losing heart and relaxing and fainting in your minds." (Portions from Heb. 12:1-3)

"My main message would be that many of those who call themselves Christians fall short of living out the essence of real Christianity. As long as we allow this inadequate form of Christianity to go unchallenged, those who are spiritually needy will never come to faith in Jesus Christ. Our nation faces challenges at home and abroad and now is the time for us to return to a radical faith in Jesus Christ..."

"The very tendency that we feel to hide our faith from the world's view confirms that we are more influenced by the world's opinions than we are by God's. I would hope that simply because our faith is secret, having vanished from our conversations, replaced by a pretended freedom of feeling and conduct, that it still does exist in our private hearts. I fear, though, that we are not merely paying attention, our faith may have quietly smothered. By complying with the world's habits, participating in the manners of this dissipated age, we have removed every external distinction between the Christian and the non-believer. We seldom find anyone who is brave enough to be different for Christ, someone who "is not ashamed of Christ"" -William Wilberforce


Abbey said...

Hi Elisabeth.

Just came across your blog from Rachel Morgan's, and I have to say that that quote was exactly what I needed today. Thank you so much for posting. =)


Steven said...

"The very tendency that we feel to hide our faith from the world's view confirms that we are more influenced by the world's opinions than we are by God's"

Boy, that is really convicting. I find that it's easy to be a strong Christian around strong Christians, and easy to be a hidden Christian around unbelievers. I don't want to be different than the other people around me...

Thanks for the encouragement!