Friday, February 26, 2010
Day 11
Just some fun facts that may not have already been shared: Andrew has experienced real life sea-sickness (not a "fun" fact, but fact nontheless), he has jumped off the bow of the ship 23 feet into the water below, he went swimming in water 8,000 feet deep, and he also had a helicopter ride. Those are just a few, but not all, of the fun stuff he had experienced on this "expedition" as one of our younger friends called it.
Though I do not have their exact location, I do know that they are on the pennisula North of Port au Prince. They are sharing a compound with another ministry, Samaritan's Purse. The compound they are staying in has a medical clinic run by medical staff from Samaritan's Purse. When it was made known to these medical staff memebers that there was a group of paramedics coming in, they were happy to have some extra hands that have been trained in the medical field, to help with the daunting task of serving the native people in need of medical help. It is not unusual to have a long line of patients waiting to be seen all day, every day.
Andrew also had some prayer requests that he asked us to share with others. First off, pray for safety. Not only is Haiti still not completely safe, but there are little critters native to the island that could be cause for some concern (e.g. scorpions and tarantulas) They have been advised not to walk under trees as any one of this little critters could fall on them from above. Also, they have some unfriendly neighbors, one in particular, that has threatened to shoot any white person they see walking on their land. Not very friendly at all, that one. Also, be praying for them as they are begining to feel the magnitude of the evilness that dwells in a country regularly dedicated to Satan. Finally, pray that the Holy Spirit would be strong in each one of them, that they would not faint in time of adversity, that they would hang on tightly to the Lord and that they would put on the full armor of God daily, swinging the Sword of the Spirit boldly. Already, they have discovered the difficulty of communicating God's Word to a nation that hardly speaks any english. Please continue to lift this team up in your prayers. They need it now more than ever.
Well, that is all for now. Until next time...take care and God bless!
In Him,
Thursday, February 25, 2010
Day 10
Monday, February 22, 2010
Day 7
After pulling up anchor and setting out to sea yesterday, Andrew called one more time before communication possibly is altered. He was so elated with some of the things he saw and being that as they traveled along, 4 dolphins decided to join them and race in front of the boat jumping up and doing their most amazing tricks. He was so excited...such an amazing start to an awesome adventure.
Saturday, February 20, 2010
Day 6
We are all so excited for Andrew and the rest of the men. What an experience! :D I know that they would all covet your prayers as the days get tougher and longer.
Elisabeth :D
Thursday, February 18, 2010
Challenging thoughts...
"My main message would be that many of those who call themselves Christians fall short of living out the essence of real Christianity. As long as we allow this inadequate form of Christianity to go unchallenged, those who are spiritually needy will never come to faith in Jesus Christ. Our nation faces challenges at home and abroad and now is the time for us to return to a radical faith in Jesus Christ..."
"The very tendency that we feel to hide our faith from the world's view confirms that we are more influenced by the world's opinions than we are by God's. I would hope that simply because our faith is secret, having vanished from our conversations, replaced by a pretended freedom of feeling and conduct, that it still does exist in our private hearts. I fear, though, that we are not merely paying attention, our faith may have quietly smothered. By complying with the world's habits, participating in the manners of this dissipated age, we have removed every external distinction between the Christian and the non-believer. We seldom find anyone who is brave enough to be different for Christ, someone who "is not ashamed of Christ"" -William Wilberforce
Additional News for Day 3
Wednesday, February 17, 2010
Days 2 and 3
Day 3 - Heard from Andrew again today. They have been loading the boat and preparing it to set sail tomorrow. He has asked that the trip be successful and safe...and that none of the guys, including himself, get's sea sick. The boat's name is Integrity.
Monday, February 15, 2010
Andrew's Trip to Haiti
Day 1 – Andrew left this morning from the ALERT Campus, at 5:30 am, with 13 other ALERT men on their way to Miami, FL to help load a cargo ship bound for Haiti. They will spend tonight in the Panhandle of Florida. When they arrive in Miami, they will spend a day or so loading the ship. Once the ship is loaded, the ALERT men will board her to take the two day journey to Haiti. Pray for their safety and that the Lord will use them to serve and be a testimony for Christ.