As another addition to the pictures of Unit 39 taken the 23rd of May, I thought that you all would enjoy watching the drills ceremony which took place out on the soccer field next to the Field House. :) As time has passed, having my brothers back home has been such an amazing blessing! It has been so much fun to hear and laugh about the stories told regarding Basic! (those stories never seem to end which makes it all the better!)
As you watch this, I hope that you will enjoy what you see. Know that the guys practiced diligently on a daily basis in order to have each step, solute, head turn, etc. in the right place and done at the right time. :)

For some reason, I can't view the video, but I bet that it's pretty neat. I've never seen any of ALERT's drill performances, but I've heard that they're pretty neat to watch.
Hey all! :) Sorry about the video! :) When I posted it through P9casa, I thought that it would automatically work as it posted...but I noticed that it is having problems. So I tried posting it as a video through blogger but it took forever! (for example, I left my computer and a couple of hours later, I came back and it still was loading!) So, as of now, no video which is a bummer...I think the problem is the fact that it's a huge file. :) I will try to work something out though...if any of you have any ideas, that would be helpful! :)
I don't know how to post the video on your blog, but I do know that there is a link that is specifically for the video, and you could post that. That's what I've done before on my xanga. That might work.
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