Pain is something in our lives that is unavoidable, whether this pain is based emotionally, physically, or spiritually. It is said by Tom Laundry, Coach of the Dallas Cowboy's football team, "The job of a football coach is to make men do what they don't want to do in order to achieve what they've always wanted to be." This statement is true to many other aspects of life whether you're a pianist, in ministry, a teacher, a student, or even a singer. This list is insufficient, yet obviously the main issue is that whatever you do in life, in order to aspire to the next level, you must go through the pain to get there. It is our response to the pain that influences the advancement in the process.
In my life right now, the Lord has prescribed a certain portion of pain to mold, impact, reshape, chastise, and even challenge me in this "lap" in which the Lord has called me to run. You see, it has been my response to this pain that matters the most. Yes, pain is pain, and it hurts, not matter the portion or part of life that it influences, however, if rejected, it would be easy to say that I would be settling for giving up and quiting. Please understand though, that there is a huge difference in realizing that you are unable to deal with this pain yourself and that it will be through the Lord's strength that will bring you to the other side, then that of pridefully choosing to quit and giving up altogether. I cannot sit here and write to you and say that my first inclination is to die to myself and choose to "rather suffer affliction with the people of God, than to enjoy the pleasures of sin for a season." (Hebrews 11:25) However, I can say that choosing to avoid pain has done nothing for me but brought more pain and further frustration in my walk with the Lord.
Over the past couple of years, I have come to love and adore Elisabeth Elliot for all that she has been through and the wisdom that she pours forth in her many books that she has written and would love to be just like her. Yet, I recently realized that the contents of her books came from that of the experience of pain. The pain that was prescribed to her by the Lord even before she was born, or had the incredible influence that she has right now. It is through her experience in pain that she has greatly influenced and touched many lives all around the world. It is through this pain that the Lord continues to work and show Himself strong as the pages of her books are read, studied, and poured over by the millions of people over the years. It is through this pain that she has ministered to me and my heart because, though knowing her as an acquaintance, I feel as though intimately, she knows exactly the pain that my heart is experiencing at this moment.
"The whole Christian life is a process of bringing the self life down to death in order that the life of Jesus may be manifest in us." This is quoted from her book called, Be Still My Soul, which is now become my favorite book and is highly recommended. This quote, I feel is so relevant to where I am in my walk with the Lord and will be a good reminder for the future as "valleys" occur among the "hill-top experiences" It is easy to say that you want to be like someone however, when it comes down to the challenge, it is hard to walk through the experiences and jump over the hurdles that are required in order for us to get there. Bringing the "self life down to death" is not easy for us to do, however because the Lord loves us and desires that we be like His Son, His grace poured out is truly sufficient.
Hebrews 11 is all about the "Heroes of faith" however, over and over again you subconsciously see that it is by His grace that they were able to do what He called them to do. At the same time though, those who walked this road by faith knew the Lord so intimately that doubt was easily chased away with the truth and reality of who God is and was in their lives. Though they may not have understood the pain and why is was there in the midst of their lives, they still knew that God's grace was sufficient. It was by their obedience in faith that they accepted the pain in order to achieve that which the Lord called them to achieve. Is was by faith and a great knowledge of who the Lord was that Elisabeth Elliot was able to walk the road of pain that the Lord set her forth on. You see now as the last chapter of her life unfolds, the richest and greatest blessings and wisdom have been poured forth upon her. She truly has earned so many jewels and each came with a price, however, I am sure that she would not trade any of them for anything.
As an encouragement to you and myself, know that Hebrews 11 was written for those like you and I that so desire to be like the heroes of faith described in this chapter, however would rather escape the pain that goes along with this grand achievement. Remember that the road ahead is not easy yet we are still called to "lay aside every weight (whatever this may be) and the sin which doth so easily beset us, and run with patience the race that is set before us, looking unto Jesus the author and finisher of our faith; who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross, despising the shame, and is set down at the right hand of the throne of God." When discouragement sets in, "consider him that endured such contradiction of sinners against himself, lest ye be wearied and faint in your minds." Remember also that "for whom the Lord loveth he chasteneth, and scourgeth every son whom he receiveth."
There is a season to everything and the experience of pain is included. :) Don't give up in the valley or in the hardest times. We are not to know the end of things but are asked to hold fast the promises of God. He will give you the grace sufficient in sustaining you through the battle!
I know that this post is long, however, I hope and pray that it would be a blessing to you and that you would take the time to read it! :) Love to you all! Cheers your way!
xoxo Elisabeth
Thank you for sharing that Elisabeth! You are such a gem and a HUGE blessing to me! I pray God will pour His blessings on you as you serve Him and encourage others to walk closer to Him! I love you! ~Sarah
This is so good! Thank you so much for sharing it with us all, dear Elizabeth.:-)
I love you so much, and pray that your day is full of joy!:-)
I just came over here from Rachel's blog, and just wanted to thank you for sharing this. It was very timely with some things going on in my own life, and it was just a boost of "keep going, keep looking Jesus..." that I needed this evening.
Cheri C.
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