Sunday, June 24, 2012


Everyone loves a good quote. They are great for any occasion whether for something personal, romantic, uplifting, joyful, or inspirational. Quotes are something that I've loved over the years as different ones have crossed my path along the way. Recently, a few have made their way "across my desk," if you will, as I started an incredible yet challenging Bible study this past week. Their sources are men and woman of the faith whom I have come to greatly admire and look up to. They were a blessing to me, thus, I'd thought I'd share them with you.

"What is the secret to great living? Entire separation to Christ and devotion to Him. Thus speaks every man and woman whose life has made more than a passing flicker in the spiritual realm. It is a life that has no time for trifling that counts."    -Amy Carmichael

"Self is a tight lock. I see many decent sinners who are in spiritual prison because their self is on the throne of their hearts, and Jesus is on the cross. What liberation comes when Jesus cleanses their hearts with His blood and comes to the throne, and self goes on the cross!"   -Corrie ten Boom

And the last, which continually brings great conviction and testing thoughts to my mind:

" Jesus says, 'Rise up, My love, My fair one and come away.' He asks you to come out from the world and be separate and touch not the unclean thing. Make no reserves. Come altogether away from selfishness - from anything which would divide your chaste and pure love to Christ - your soul's Husband. Come away from your old habits. Avoid the very appearance of evil. Come away from old friendships which may tempt you back to the flesh pots of Egypt. Leave all these things. Come away to private communion. Come away, shut the doors of your chamber and talk with your Lord Jesus and have close and intimate dealing with Him. Oh, take care that you begin aright by coming right away from the world, by making your dedication perfect, complete, unreserved, sincere, spotless."   -Charles Spurgeon


Anonymous said...

Great quotes by some amazing people. Thanks for posting these.

Unknown said...

Great quotes. I especially love the one by Corrie ten Boom. She's one of my favorite authors.

Anonymous said...

wow! <3