Thursday, January 31, 2008

2007 Photo Highlights! :)

Still Pondering! :) Thought I would share some of my favorite photos from last year! I know that there are many many more but all in different files. ;)
Hope you enjoy!
My mom and I :)

Advanced EXCEL 15 in Texas! :)

Goodmorning surprise :) Many of my dear friends in CO!

Smile! ;) My favorite Sarah and I snapping photos of fabulous Graduates....if they would cooperate!

Rowing...rowing...rowing! :) Canoeing in Big Sandy, TX

Howdy Partner! :)

Ah Starbucks! Two very happy girls!

All my girls! EXCEL 29!

Rachel and I in Dallas enjoying the fall sunshine at Old City Park

There they are! :) The three most loved graduates of 2007!

There's my boy! Zachary Roy born the 23 of December (2006)

Happy as can be! My mom and I enjoying the sweet little guy! We're in Heaven!

Snow...Snow...Snow! :) Reid and I are out sheaveling it away! :)

Cole Reunion in July! What a blessing it was to see all these wonderful people! ;)

Wednesday, January 30, 2008

"Hold Fast"

I have been working on a new post for about a few days now, however, I am a pondering person and therefore am pondering. Stay tuned though! :)

As I ponder, I wanted to post something for you to chew on - to cause you to ponder and think about for awhile now.

My theme for this year, as it was for last year, is "Running the Race" based on Hebrews 12:1-3. This quote taken from Come Away my Beloved by Frances J. Roberts, parallels and adds to running the race in life. I wanted to share it with you all as you run your race and am hoping that it will be a huge encouragement!

Hold Fast
Hebrews 12:2
"Looking unto Jesus, the author and finisher of our faith, who for the joy that was set before Him endured the cross,despising the shame, and has set down at the right hand of the throne of God."
"Hold fast that which you have, and let no one take your crown.
Let no one hinder you in pursuit of the reward.
Let nothing stand in the way of your complete victory.
Let no weariness or discouraging thought cause you to loosen the rope of faith, but bind it tighter and anchor fast to My Word.
My Word can never fail, yes and I will fulfill all My good promises. Have I not said, "He who seeks finds" (Matthew 7:8)? And have I not promised to reward those who diligently seek Me (see Hebrews 11:6)?
Not the dilatory seeker, but the diligent seeker.
Not the one whose seeking is in reality only wishing, but the one who has grown so intent in his quest, so wholly absorbed, that he is unaware in his toiling of the sweat upon his brow.To the extent that he has ceased reckoning the cost indeed has quit offering bribes, as though the fullness of God could be purchased, and has set out on foot, deserting all else to follow the call of the Spirit until...
Until hunger is swallowed up in fullness. Until heart-cry is answered by the voice of God through His mighty Holy Spirit. Until all the emptiness and loneliness of the subterranean recesses of his soul are flooded by the sublime, glorious reality of Emmanuel.
God with us - God in us - God in me!God in you!
Praise His holy, wonderful Name!
For this He made us.
For this He destined us!
For this He predestinated us!
For this He died and rose.
For this He sent that first mighty outpouring at Pentecost.
Praise God! Praise God!
Never stifle the cry of your heart. God put it there.God puts no special premium on our being perennial spiritual Pollyannas. His joy springs forth most abundantly in souls that have been soaked in tears.
Not the tears of self-pity -never- but the tears of devotion and longing for Him.
Weep. But when you weep, weep in His arms.
Doubt if you must, but candidly tell Him your doubts. You will be surprised how quickly they will melt away. His love and His smile will dispel every doubt as silently and surely as sunshine removes frost.
You cannot look in His face and doubt at the same time!"
-Come Away My Beloved
Frances J. Roberts
May the Lord richly and graciously bless you all as you run the race with patience! May you continue to keep your eyes so focused on the Lord that all else fades away!

Monday, January 7, 2008

Just for fun!

This is just a fun picture that I thought I'd make someone smile :) You know, I have never been at a gas station barefoot! :) Anyways, I am washing the windows of the Dallas Ministry Center's van and one of the girls jumped out and snapped a picture of Jennifer Smith enjoying herself in the front seat...which was staged..without me knowing! :) I saw this picture as I was going through my photos and thought that you all might enjoy it!