Yup a kitten, or rather, Lil' Miss Priss, has decided to take residence in the Tijerina home till 1) She either weasels her way into the family (which is my prayer) or 2) We find her original owners. :)
She is about 5 month old and loves to be loved. It's quite hilarious actually. She has to be on the same floor of our house that another person is on and if not, she tells how awful it is. She is probably the most vocal of the cats I have met! :) You could truly have a conversation with her!
Alright for the details:
So, my mom and I discussed it and thought that it would be wise, with the fire gal's thoughts too, to take her home by way of the vet, and see if we could find her family since she didn't have any tags, only a flee collar. After seeing the vet, she's alright, and has no chip so we really have no way of letting her family know where she is other than leaving our information at the Fire station, Vet, and other Animal places. She's here, safe and sound. Sunny absolutely loves her! She's not so sure of him but he absolutely loves her! :) It's hilarious to watch him!
We are on the second day and all seems to be going well! :)
Anyways, we are praying that sweet little Priss either finds her home or (I am praying, and I encourage you too) that she finds her home in our hearts. ;) :) :D
More to come about our..eh-hem...adventures...stay tune!